Celebrities and their furniture shopping habits

Ever wonder which celebs out there are décor aficionados? then wonder how they decorate their homes? Well we’ve compiled a list based on novelist Peter Mountford’s experiences selling furniture to celebrities while working a day job at an LA store.

Chairs in Australia For all Tastes and Styles

Have you ever tried to redecorate a living room only to find the stubborn resistance from family members over the suggestion of replacing their favorite chairs? Even if the pieces in question are extremely worn out, it can often be a real struggle to get people to relinquish their favorite seating places. Perhaps you have a […]

Stylish Bedroom Furniture in Australia For Small Spaces

A small bedroom doesn’t have to be a total bummer or a trigger for claustrophobia. Small spaces can actually offer a unique opportunity to get creative with your own personal style. This article is here to share a few designer tips to decorate a space that looks and feels like your comfy nest.

Replica Furniture in 2015

If you’re shopping for furniture and walk through your local shopping centre, you’re bound to find an A-Z of designer chairs, and some may be replicas. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? This article is here to confirm upsides to that. Replica traders argue that they are making good design accessible to all and […]